In more technical terms, the customer wanted the first non-null phone number value from the NANames table for a given NameCounter, given the priority of Main/Home first if available, then cell, then work. As it happens, T-SQL provides a very handy function that returns the first non-null value from a list. That function is COALESCE. It works exactly like ISNULL, but instead of taking only two values in the parameter list, COALESCE can take any number of values. The first non-null value in the list is returned as the value of the function. If all the values are null, the value of the function is null.
Here is a simple query on the ShelbyDB database to show how COALESCE can return the first non-null phone number value from a list of phone type values:
Name = FirstMiddle + ' ' + LastName,
PhoneNumber = coalesce('Home: ' + MainPhones.PhoneNu, 'Cell: ' + CellPhones.PhoneNu, 'Work: ' + WorkPhones.PhoneNu)
Shelby.NANames as Names left join
Shelby.NAPhones as MainPhones on Names.NameCounter = MainPhones.NameCounter and MainPhones.PhoneCounter = 1 left join
Shelby.NAPhones as CellPhones on Names.NameCounter = CellPhones.NameCounter and CellPhones.PhoneCounter = 4 left join
Shelby.NAPhones as WorkPhones on Names.NameCounter = WorkPhones.NameCounter and WorkPhones.PhoneCounter = 2
This query assumes that the Main/Home PhoneCounter value is 1 (it always it), that the Work PhoneCounter is 2 (it always is) and that the Cell Phone PhoneCounter is 4 (it often is, but not always). You should verify the PhoneCounter values for the phone types you want if you use this type of query approach in your own Shelby v.5 database.
In the example I also appended a descriptor to identify which type of phone number was listed. Remember that concatenating a literal string to a null value still results in a null value.
COALESCE comes in handy for any situation where you want to supply the "first available" value from a list of possible values. I have used it to supply either Greeting Type, Salutation, or First Middle name, whichever is available. I have used it to populate an address column with either a preferred address type or the Main/Home address if the preferred type is not available.