A technical blog about my projects, challenges, and discoveries in the world of data warehousing using SQL Server, Power BI Desktop, DevExpress, and more.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Calculating Age in T-SQL

Wow. October has just flown by. It has been so hectic that I haven't had a chance to post anything for the last few weeks. I will try to make up for that with a few quick posts this week. This first one will be about calculating a person's age based on date of birth information.

In Shelby Systems v.5 database a person's date of birth is stored in the Birthdate column of the NANames table. The examples for calculating age will assume that structure. In addition, the software allows for month/day entries that have no year value included. The datetime data type does not allow this, so those entries are stored with a year value of 1796. Hold that fact in the back of your mind. It will be addressed before the end of this post.

At first blush, the calculation of an age seems quite straightforward, especially if you are familiar with the DATEDIFF( ) function. This is the function used to calculate the difference between any two dates, in any unit of measurement from milliseconds to years. The following query suggests itself as the simple solution:

NameCounter = n.NameCounter,
Age = datediff(year, n.Birthdate, getdate())
Shelby.NANames as n

Unfortunately, this is not an adequate solution. The reason it fails is the fact that DATEDIFF( ) counts any part of a year as a whole year. Thus someone born on December 31st, 2008 would show up as 1 year old as of January 1, 2009. Obviously, this is incorrect. To correct this, we will need to build in some conditional logic to check whether the person's birthday has occurred yet. If it has not occurred, we need to subtract 1 before displaying the final result. First, let's check the month of the year. If the person's birth month has not yet occurred, we should subtract one.

NameCounter = n.NameCounter,
Age = datediff(year, n.Birthdate, getdate()) - case when month(n.Birthdate) > month(getdate()) then 1 else 0 end
Shelby.NANames as n

This is much better, but it still leaves open the problem of running this on someone's actual birth month. Then we need to check to see if the birth day has happened yet. This will fix that:

NameCounter = n.NameCounter,
Age = datediff(year, n.Birthdate, getdate()) - case when month(n.Birthdate) > month(getdate()) or (month(n.Birthdate) = month(getdate()) and day(n.Birthdate) > day(getdate())) then 1 else 0 end
Shelby.NANames as n

Great! So far so good, but what about those 1796 dates? Those people should not have an age showing, because we cannot calculate properly. That requires a new level of CASE logic:

NameCounter = n.NameCounter,
Age = case when year(n.Birthdate) = 1796 then null else datediff(year, n.Birthdate, getdate()) - case when month(n.Birthdate) > month(getdate()) or (month(n.Birthdate) = month(getdate()) and day(n.Birthdate) > day(getdate())) then 1 else 0 end end
Shelby.NANames as n

That will calculate the age to within a year. I'll have to save the calculation of ages in months for those who are less than a year old for another day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Select DATEDIFF(yy, BirthDate, GETDATE()) - CASE
    OR (MONTH(BirthDate) = MONTH(GETDATE())
    AND DAY(BirthDate) > DAY(GETDATE()))
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END AS Age

