A technical blog about my projects, challenges, and discoveries in the world of data warehousing using SQL Server, Power BI Desktop, DevExpress, and more.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Quick Aside - On Finding Server References

A customer asked today about finding references in the Shelby v.5 system to their old server. Now that his organization had a new server, they needed to update all the old server references in the system to the new server name.

The primary (though certainly not the only) places where the old server name is stored are the output file paths of reports in Selections & Listings. To find these reports and other places that reference the server path, use the following query:

select ItemType = 'Report', Title from Shelby.SSReports where Reports like '%server_name_here%'
select ItemType = 'Preference', ControlKey from Shelby.SSControl where Memo like '%server_name_here%'
order by ItemType

This will provide a simple list. The Report lines will tell you which reports refer to the server you specified. The Preference lines will tell you where to look for preferences that reference the old server name.

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