A technical blog about my projects, challenges, and discoveries in the world of data warehousing using SQL Server, Power BI Desktop, DevExpress, and more.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Top 10 Things I Learned at SQL PASS Summit Today (Wednesday)

10. The joy of having the ability to play arcade games an unlimited number of times all night long is somewhat tarnished by two factors: a) the hundreds of other people in the same arcade with equally unlimited number of times to play and b) I am no longer 12 years old.
9. What I do is actually a hybrid of T-SQL development and BI development.
8. It is an interesting feeling being the SQL novice in every conversation during the conference.
7. I should never post proprietary code on my blog. I don't think I've done that exactly, but the references to the Shelby v.5 database might be a gray area on that one. I am going to have to reconsider my posting style, and I may change how I handle code that is specifically for Shelby v.5 data.
6. I really need to learn the DAX "language" to make PowerPivot a truly potent reporting tool.
5. PowerPivot has no innate "grouping" ability. This means that the query tables I make for PowerPivot usage need to have grouping columns. A little planning ahead will go a long way in making that easier.
4. SharePoint is growing in importance as a collaborative platform in the Microsoft world, meaning that it will be a necessary tool for managing BI tools.
3. I can set up a SQL Azure account for just under $10 a month to have my own little database-in-the-cloud architecture to play with.
2. Reporting Services uses VB .Net for its expression language.
1. I have not even scratched the surface of the amazing things Reporting Services can do.

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